圖片來源: http://upload.wikimedia.org
Single-Leg Stunt
See "Stunt".
[啦啦隊規則] 安全規則-名詞解釋 Stunt
Cheerleading Rules
2011年7月4日 星期一
2011年6月30日 星期四
[啦啦隊規則] 安全規則-名詞解釋 Standing Tumbling
圖片來源: http://cedarspringspost.com/
Standing Tumbling
A tumbling skill (series of skills) performed from a standing position without any previous forward momentum. Any number of steps backward prior to execution of tumbling skill(s) is defined as "standing tumbling."
Standing Back Tuck
圖片來源: http://vanessasvsteck.files.wordpress.com/
Standing Back Handspring (with tutorial)
Standing Front Tuck
Standing Back Tuck
Standing Back Flip (without jumping)
Standing Full
Standing Tumbling
A tumbling skill (series of skills) performed from a standing position without any previous forward momentum. Any number of steps backward prior to execution of tumbling skill(s) is defined as "standing tumbling."
Standing Back Tuck
圖片來源: http://vanessasvsteck.files.wordpress.com/
Standing Back Handspring (with tutorial)
Standing Front Tuck
Standing Back Tuck
Standing Back Flip (without jumping)
Standing Full
[啦啦隊規則] 安全規則-名詞解釋 Straight Cradle
圖片來源: http://3.bp.blogspot.com/
Straight Cradle
A release move from a stunt to a catching position where no skill (i.e. turn, kick, twist, etc.) is performed.
Straight Cradle
圖片來源: http://webzoom.freewebs.com/
Straight Cradle
圖片來源: http://www.cheerleadingcoachescorner.com/mid_cradle.jpg
Straight Cradle (front)
Straight Cradle (side)
Straight Cradle
A release move from a stunt to a catching position where no skill (i.e. turn, kick, twist, etc.) is performed.
Straight Cradle
圖片來源: http://webzoom.freewebs.com/
Straight Cradle
圖片來源: http://www.cheerleadingcoachescorner.com/mid_cradle.jpg
Straight Cradle (front)
Straight Cradle (side)
2011年6月29日 星期三
[啦啦隊規則] 安全規則-名詞解釋 Straight Ride
圖片來源: http://media.blounttoday.com/
Straight Ride
The body position of a top person performing a toss that doesn’t involve any trick in the air. It is a straight line position that teaches the top to reach and to obtain maximum height on toss.
Straight Ride
Straight Ride 分解說明
Straight Ride
The body position of a top person performing a toss that doesn’t involve any trick in the air. It is a straight line position that teaches the top to reach and to obtain maximum height on toss.
Straight Ride
Straight Ride 分解說明
[啦啦隊規則] 安全規則-名詞解釋 Stunt
圖片來源: http://www.jordanpbarnes.com/
Any skill in which a top person is supported above the performance surface by one or
more persons. Also referred to as a “mount.” A stunt is determined to be "Single" or "Double" leg by the number of feet that the top person has being supported by a base(s).
Stunt (Single Leg, 單足)
Stunt (Two Legs, 雙足)
圖片來源: http://cheerleadingamerica.files.wordpress.com/
[啦啦隊規則] 安全規則-名詞解釋 Base
[啦啦隊規則] 安全規則-名詞解釋 Coed Style
[啦啦隊規則] 安全規則-名詞解釋 Cupie
[啦啦隊規則] 安全規則-名詞解釋 Mount
Any skill in which a top person is supported above the performance surface by one or
more persons. Also referred to as a “mount.” A stunt is determined to be "Single" or "Double" leg by the number of feet that the top person has being supported by a base(s).
Stunt (Single Leg, 單足)
Stunt (Single Leg, 單足)
Stunt (Two Legs, 雙足)
圖片來源: http://cheerleadingamerica.files.wordpress.com/
[啦啦隊規則] 安全規則-名詞解釋 Base
[啦啦隊規則] 安全規則-名詞解釋 Coed Style
[啦啦隊規則] 安全規則-名詞解釋 Cupie
[啦啦隊規則] 安全規則-名詞解釋 Mount
[啦啦隊規則] 安全規則-名詞解釋 Suspended Flip/Roll
圖片來源: http://www.cheercityunitedcabot.com/
Suspended Flip/Roll
A stunt in which a top person performs a hip over head rotation while in constant physical contact with a person(s) who is in direct weight bearing contact with the performing surface.
輔助支撐騰翻 / 迴環
Suspended Flip (騰翻)
Suspended Roll (迴旋)
Suspended Flip/Roll
Suspended Flip/Roll
A stunt in which a top person performs a hip over head rotation while in constant physical contact with a person(s) who is in direct weight bearing contact with the performing surface.
輔助支撐騰翻 / 迴環
Suspended Flip (騰翻)
Suspended Roll (迴旋)
Suspended Flip/Roll
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